Among the most common skin problems people
experience yet among the most misunderstood is acne. The many myths and
misconceptions swirling around this tissue certainly don’t help.
Health experts emphasized that acne is
caused by the hair follicles that became plugged with both oil and dead skin
cells. Though there are a couple of treatments in the market today, pimples
slowly heal and a new batch of these arises when the previous ones heal. Signs
of acne such as papules, whiteheads and blackheads, lumps under the skin,
pimples, and cystic lesions are commonly seen on the face, neck, chest, back
and shoulders. If these are left untreated, acne can actually lead to scarring
and emotional distress, most especially to teenagers.
Be aware that acne problems can be worsened
or even triggered by so many factors including diet, medications, stress, and
hormones. Contrary to what other people believed, dirty skin, greasy food, and
cosmetics actually bear a little effect on acne.
Dealing With An Acne Problem
If you are among those who are currently
dealing with an acne problem, it is very important for you to undergo an acne
treatment. Dubai residents highly emphasized that when left untreated, this can
lead to permanent scars and dark spots. Moreover, an acne problem can
definitely greatly affect your self-esteem.
At first, doctors often recommend home care
remedies to clear up your acne. In case these methods don’t work efficiently,
your physician might prescribe stronger medications. When it remains
unsuccessful, you need to see a dermatologist.
Among the efficient acne treatment most
dermatologists in Dubai recommend is PicoSure. This has initially been
developed for tattoo removal. This treatment option promises to help in
eradicating the scars left by acne with the use of ultra-short pulses of laser
Is it really effective? With the laser
pulses PicoSure delivers to your skin, you can definitely see huge improvement
in the appearance and texture of your skin. In Just 3 15- to 20-minute
sessions, you’ll see a noticeable difference on areas which have greatly been
affected by acne. The severity of your acne scarring will determine how often
you must undergo such treatment.
Its main advantage over the other acne
treatments is that you’ll need less time to prepare for the treatment.
Moreover, the downtime is minimal. After a treatment session, your skill will
become reddish and tender. Other than that, you can already go back to your
normal daily routine.
So if you are tired of trying to hide your
acne scars with lots of make-up, undergoing Picosure acne treatment in Dubai
can be your best option as this is known to be efficient at addressing the root
problem. Surely, you can see a huge boost in your self-confidence.
Source: Medical Village can be your best
resource when it comes to efficiently dealing with various skin problems.