Charcoals are must-haves for barbeques. However, aside from being a staple in outdoor picnics, the demand for a particular type of charcoal is becoming quite popular among many people today: activated charcoal.
What Are Activated Charcoals?
In essence, activated charcoal and regular charcoal are nearly identical. Their main difference lies in the fact that activated charcoal is created solely for medicinal use.
To produce an activated charcoal, regular charcoal must be heated with a gas that causes it to expand and create a porous surface that traps toxins. Medically, it works since it chemically binds other substances to its surface and can absorb thousands of times its own weight. As such, even a bit of activated charcoal can absorb large amounts of toxins, atoms, and ions.
You can buy this product in capsule form or in its loose, powder form in bulk.
Benefits And Uses
Below are the noteworthy uses and health benefits provided by activated charcoal:
What Are Activated Charcoals?
In essence, activated charcoal and regular charcoal are nearly identical. Their main difference lies in the fact that activated charcoal is created solely for medicinal use.
To produce an activated charcoal, regular charcoal must be heated with a gas that causes it to expand and create a porous surface that traps toxins. Medically, it works since it chemically binds other substances to its surface and can absorb thousands of times its own weight. As such, even a bit of activated charcoal can absorb large amounts of toxins, atoms, and ions.
You can buy this product in capsule form or in its loose, powder form in bulk.
Benefits And Uses
Below are the noteworthy uses and health benefits provided by activated charcoal:
• It can remove toxins from a person’s body in emergency situations. In a study published in a Medical Toxicology and Adverse Drug Experience journal, activated charcoal can prevent the gastrointestinal absorption of a wide variety of drugs and toxins in emergency situations. This product can also expedite their elimination even after they’ve been absorbed by the body. It has been proven useful in the overdose of aspirin, cocaine, morphine, opium, pesticide toxins, mercury, lead, and other poisonous chemicals. However, the study states that activated charcoal is most effective if it has been administered within the first hour of ingestion of the toxin.
• It provides relief to insect bites and bee stings. Natural health experts say that a poultice of activated charcoal with a bit of water and cornstarch or flaxseed powder can help cure or provide relief to bee stings, snake bites, spider bites (including poisonous bites from the Brown Recluse or Black Widow), other poisoning bites, and even poison ivy rashes.
• It helps whiten teeth. Many toothpaste brands have started including activated charcoal in their products as an additional teeth whitening substance. If you want to use this product, all you have to do is sprinkle charcoal onto a toothpaste-ladened toothbrush and brush your teeth as you normally do. If you do this every day, you will notice a difference within a couple of weeks.
• It can help eliminate or reduce gas. Lastly, this product can reduce gas, especially after eating foods, such as beans, that commonly create excess gas. It can also help relieve an upset stomach or nausea. However, activated charcoal should only be taken occasionally to relieve these symptoms and should not be used every day.
Source: provides more details about activated charcoal.
• It provides relief to insect bites and bee stings. Natural health experts say that a poultice of activated charcoal with a bit of water and cornstarch or flaxseed powder can help cure or provide relief to bee stings, snake bites, spider bites (including poisonous bites from the Brown Recluse or Black Widow), other poisoning bites, and even poison ivy rashes.
• It helps whiten teeth. Many toothpaste brands have started including activated charcoal in their products as an additional teeth whitening substance. If you want to use this product, all you have to do is sprinkle charcoal onto a toothpaste-ladened toothbrush and brush your teeth as you normally do. If you do this every day, you will notice a difference within a couple of weeks.
• It can help eliminate or reduce gas. Lastly, this product can reduce gas, especially after eating foods, such as beans, that commonly create excess gas. It can also help relieve an upset stomach or nausea. However, activated charcoal should only be taken occasionally to relieve these symptoms and should not be used every day.
Source: provides more details about activated charcoal.
Great read! I find different weird items that are used for health purposes. However, activated charcoal has given me with better insights about health products. I hope to read more of your articles.